Web 3.0 Explained in Layman’s Terms
If you were following the blockchain or crypto space in the last year, you’ve probably heard about web 3.0 and how much of a game-changer it will be for the internet. If you can catch this historical trend at the right time, you will be capable to create new opportunities, a brighter future for all, and very likely a massive upside profit potential. But how exactly is web 3.0 defined in layman’s terms? How does it affect the modern internet and the users? That is precisely what we will properly explain and investigate in this article.
To better understand Web 3.0, let us start at the beginning and define what Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 are.

Web 1.0 Vs 3.0 Explained
Between 1991 and 2004, the internet was primarily comprised of static pages. You could look at web pages and browse, but there was little meaningful interaction between websites and users. Some referred to it as “read-only”. There was no logging in, no interacting with posts, and no viewing of analytics. Promotional ads were not even profitable for the majority of the early internet. It was mostly just one giant Wikipedia that was all hyperlinked together. We gradually improved over time, and things like flash and JavaScript included a plethora of new features. Users of the internet were consumers at the time. They used the internet to gather information.

Web 2.0 Vs 3.0 Explained
From around 2004 to the present, we have Web 2.0. During this time, the web changed immensely, but one of the most significant changes was the internet’s interactivity. Not only did we get information from pages, but web pages began getting information from us as we browsed Facebook, YouTube, and performed Google searches. These centralized companies began collecting data about us to serve us better content, causing us to stay on their websites longer. For them, this naturally meant more money. They eventually realized they could package all of the specific information they had gathered about us and sell it to advertisers. The age of Web 2.0 is the age of targeted advertising and a lack of protected privacy for its users.
Another fundamental distinction between Web 1.0 and 2.0 is the ability for users to create their own blogs, reviews, and social media platforms. It is also distinguished by the considerable increase in the dynamic and responsiveness of websites. Finally, during the Web 2.0 development stages, interoperability was achieved. This means that different websites and applications can communicate and interact with one another. The same way we link our social media accounts.

Web 3.0 Explained
The primary distinction between web 2.0 and web 3.0 is that the internet uses decentralized technology. This means that no single person or entity can exert control over it. This enables anyone with a smart device anywhere in the world to connect to and interact with users and applications on the internet. Web 3.0 is the next transformation of the internet, and it will most likely make use of blockchain technology and decentralization tools. As you browsed social networks in Web 2.0 you were the product. In Web 3.0 some believe you will be the owner of your exclusive content, the stuff you post online.
In Web 3.0, every company on the internet will be run by a decentralized group called a DAO, which stands for decentralized, autonomous organization. There are no CEOs or Presidents to impress with DAOs. Those who own the most tokens get to vote on how the company evolves, rather than being constrained by a government or a family tradition. There will be no censorship of social networks such as Facebook or Twitter in Web 3. 0. It cannot be shut down by a single controlling authority.
The use of artificial intelligence is another distinguishing feature of Web 3.0. We will see faster, more robust development, greater user inclusion, and, eventually, it will become an increasingly important part of everyday life’s infrastructure. Finally, one of the most significant aspects of Web 3.0 is that your digital identity is completely unlinked to your physical identity. This means you can browse the internet, download files, make purchases, and do anything else without being positively identified as the real you.
Closing Thoughts
What will Web 3.0 mean for us in the coming decade? It will not be a slew of life-altering events all at once. It is most likely a series of fundamental ideas that grow together until they become centralized. Legislation dismantles companies like Facebook and Google, while decentralized unregulated DAOs emerge to replace them. I can’t wait to see all of these changes take place in the near future.